Dr. Chisa Shiraishi from the Graduate School of Medical Sciences Has Received the 2024 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Japan Fellowship Award

At the award ceremony. Dr. Shiraishi is the second from the right in the front row
Dr. Chisa Shiraishi, who obtained her Ph.D. in Medicine from the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Kyushu University, has been awarded the 2024 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Japan Fellowship Award in the Life Sciences category.
The L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Japan Fellowship Award aims to support young female scientists in Japan to continue their research activities. It is awarded to female scientists in the fields of material sciences and life sciences who are enrolled in or planning to enter a doctoral program. Past recipients have led diverse careers, with many of them continuing their research both domestically and internationally.
After graduating from the School of Medicine’s Department of Life Sciences, Dr. Shiraishi entered the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Kyushu University. She conducted her research with Professor Keiichi Nakayama at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, in the Medical Institute of Bioregulation, and obtained her Ph.D. This award recognizes her research on elucidating the tissue-specific translation control mechanisms of proteins. Dr. Shiraishi is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Group of Gene Expression and Regulation in the Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University.
- Awarded Research: Elucidation of tissue-specific translation control mechanisms
- Achievement: Recognized for her groundbreaking approach in elucidating the mechanisms leading to cardiac dysfunction through research on protein translation and the resulting tissue-specific abnormalities.

Dr. Chisa Shiraishi
Comment from Dr. Chisa Shiraishi
“I am deeply honored to receive this prestigious award. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at L’Oréal, Professor Keiichi Nakayama, Professor Akinobu Matsumoto, and all the members of the laboratory, as well as my family for their continuous support and guidance. I will continue to dedicate myself to my research and strive to meet the expectations placed upon me.”